Heritage Marine LTD

Heritage Marine Ltd provides on site facilities and materials to support projects that are undertaken at Downs Road Boatyard. HML also supply and build of full size replicas and sets, provide and consult on prop/ sets, location management for the film and TV industry, supplying safety and camera boats as well as Marine consultants and project management for film and tv industries. Heritage Marine Foundation is the charitable arm of Heritage Marine LTD



Sea Change Sailing Trust

Sea-Change provides residential opportunities for young people and vulnerable adults to learn and develop in a unique environment. By living and working together aboard a traditional sailing vessel they participate in a wide range of life skills and are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their contribution and group decisions.

We offer a graduated set of programmes from entry level tasters to extended residential periods with accreditation. The charity is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Training and Sail ability Foundation centre, and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Approved Activity Centre.


TS Rigging & Marine Services

TS Rigging & Marine Services Ltd use both traditional and modern techniques where we can meet individual requirements, whether for a restoration, replica or a brand-new vessel. TS Rigging serves the complete rigging needs of modern and traditional craft. Standing rigging, running rigging, guard wires, blocks, mast hoops, deadeyes and the wide variety of other products and services, all supplied from our rigging shed here in Maldon.



Topsail Charter LTD

Established 1987 by Stephanie Valentine and Paul Jeffries, there belief has remained true that the best way to preserve sailing barges is to keep them working. Carrying passengers rather than coal, grain or straw, has ushered in a new era for barges and has helped ensure their survival. When they were built, few would have thought they would still be sailing into the 21st century.



Cirdan Sailing Trust

The Cirdan Sailing Trust specialises in enabling groups of young people, particularly those who are disadvantaged in some way, to experience the challenge and adventure of life at sea on large sailing vessels. We also run voyages suitable for Duke of Edinburgh Gold residential’s, adult and individual charters.



The Historic Chatham Dockyard


The Historic Dockyard Chatham will be recognised as the world’s most complete and best preserved dockyard of the age of sail.

Sustained by a mix of complementary uses, it will be a maritime heritage destination of choice, giving its visitors a unique understanding of warship design and construction and support of the Royal Navy during Britain’s growth as a world power through to the closure of the dockyard in 1984



Heritage Sailing LTD

The Lady of Avenel is a 102ft Brigantine square rigged ship. With 12 guest berths and epic cruising grounds to offer, the she provides an exciting platform for adventure sailing. From Scotland, Ireland, and the coasts and waters off England.



Sailing Barge Victor

Sailing Barge Victor was built in 1895,  her original cargo was linseed from Ipswich docks. Now completely re-rigged with her MCGA Passenger Certificate she now sails her home waters demonstrating the beauty of the East Coast and giving people get an insight into a bygone era of cargo under sail. 
